A little note... As I'm going through pictures, I realize that right now, most of my shots are of Logan. A little unfair, as the girls are, quite obviously, a huge part of our family. I try to take the pictures during the day when there is good light, and they are typically in school. Can't wait for summer break, when I can get a lot of shots of them all playing outside!
Day 91 - Cold hardy plants are put in - butterleaf lettuce, red cabbage & kale. YUM!
Day 90 - Unbelievable, I know, but the girls have kept their room clean since I worked on it last week. Can you stand how much space they have when things are PUT AWAY?!?! ;)

Day 89 - Ava needed some TLC...

Day 88 - He is enthralled with the popcorn maker. "MOMMY! IT'S POPPING!!!!"

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